Hi Everyone. Last Wednesday in Idente Youth Kids meeting the children had a special guest that would introduce the children to music and what it truly is about. Having the children close their eyes while they hear a piece of a song and some said the music represents love and peace. The speaker said, "Sometime Music has feeling from experiences based on certain sounds". Showing how one sound can be made into music and also using a number of them to sing one note to use rhythm and melody in order to compose a song. They learnt the three rules of music: rhythm, melody and harmony.
Hey Everyone! Our meeting was very interesting as we watched a movie 'St. Joseph Cupertino'. As we talked about the film, many kids said that many people did not treat him nicely but St. Joseph Cupertino did not mind their actions even if they had fought him. Some said, "He does not believe in fighting" and the reason was that violence going back to another would make the situation worse. We learned that even if he had a miserable life that he is grateful because he is alive as God wants him to be. The memorable moment we agreed upon was when he treated a woman and her bayby very nicely as he gave her a blanket and food for her and the baby, even if he had to give it for free. Hey Everyone! We had an amazing time at the group watching the movie: “Kubo and the two strings” and celebrating Easter. Thank you for bringing food/drinks for our Saturday brunch. Happy Easter! Our next meeting: 10:00am Sat, Apr 22 at Our Lady of Loretto Church. Hello, everyone! Last Wednesday, we had game, presentation and video. We played game that involves critical thinking as our group needs to name a food, country, animal, fruit, person’s name, country/city/continent, and a brand based on a chosen alphabet letter. Everyone was very excited to say their answers hoping to get a unique answer in the group. Then, we showed the presentation about how certain rulers like Hitler used violence to create their own peace but also about the other rulers like Martin Luther King who use non-violence to create peace and were successful. After that, we saw two videos. One is a clip of Jackie Chan’s movie showing how he fights with two people for something they want but the children know a good solution to the problems, which was to have peaceful communication and dialogue with each other. The other video was about two boys that get along with each other even though their own countries are at war. The children learnt how they slowly accept and give each other and become close, regardless of the conflict of their countries. Hey Everyone! We had a fabulous meeting this morning, thank you to all of you that showed up. Our topic of discussion was “Talents,” it was presented by Alex. Talent was defined as “a natural skill that is given to man to show that they are special.” We were informed that all of us (yes…no exceptions) have a talent. Small tiny little qualities of making people laugh, or convincing friends are talents. Talents come as a natural gift, from hard work, doing things you love, and from being yourself. Ultimately they come from God. So, what is your TALENT(S) ? how are you using them ? Kudos to Alex for an astounding presentation. Everyone is born with some special talent… Isabel Allende Hey Everyone, Thank you for attending today’s meeting. Our topic of discussion was “Unity in Diversity.” We learnt what is diversity, and its manifestation in the world: New York City(40% born outside US), India (differences in religion, food, art, language), Water(H2O), Paella (Spanish rice dish with many ingredients), Emirates Airline(27 crew members, 27 different countries), and Radio City Musical (cast of 150 performers). So, how is unity in diversity possible. Pope Francis says, “Look more ‘to that’ which unites us rather than that which ‘divides us.’” Therefore, for unity, we need common goal, shared vision, and common purpose. Where can I find a common goal, shared vision and common purpose? What’s the principle of unity? Again, Pope Francis has the answer, he says “Christ alone can be the principle, the cause and the driving force behind our unity.” So let us celebrate diversity. Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization. - Mahatma Gandhi Our next meeting: 10:00am Sat, Mar 18 at Our Lady of Loretto Church. Have a wonderful weekend! Hello Everyone, Today we watch the movie: Letters, the movie about the life of St. Theresa of Calcutta and her calling to live amongst the poor of Calcutta as one of their own. I hope that it has given you much inspiration and that you feel moved to reflect on your own calling given to you by God. Attached to this file are the Questions Floriselda wrote down for us to consider about the movie. Also do not forget that next week we are having the field day. Have a Blessed day and hope to see you all next week. THE LETTERSMOTHER TERESA, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered one of the greatest humanitarians of modern times. Her selfless commitment changed hearts, lives and inspired millions throughout the world. THE LETTERS, as told through personal letters she wrote over the last 40 years of her life, reveal a troubled and vulnerable woman who grew to feel an isolation and an abandonment by God. The story is told from the point of view of a Vatican priest charged with the task of investigating acts and events following her death. He recounts her life’s work, her political oppression, her religious zeal and her unbreakable spirit. Written and directed by William Riead, THE LETTERS stars the acclaimed four-time BAFTA nominated British Actress Juliet Stevenson as Mother Teresa in a transformational performance that spans over 50 years, Academy Award Nominee Max Van Sydow and Golden Globe winner Rutger Hauer. The film was executive produced by Corky Barton and Lourden Saks and produced by William Riead, Lisa Riead and Tony Cordeaux. Last Sunday our Idente Youth in the Bronx had a very successful bake sale for our Idente Youth summer camp! We thank all of our Idente Youth members and their families for their donations of baked goods. We also thank each of our parishioners for their generous donations. All the proceeds raised will go toward our youth group and summer camp. Thanks to your generous donations, many teens and kids will enjoy a great summer camp. Stay tuned for photos of our camp in July! Thanks again! God bless you. The summer Camp is going to start on July 12 and finishes on July 16.. Thank you so much!!! |
July 2018